Monday, April 27, 2020

Finished Hermes SDR ....

I finally managed to finish my Hermes SDR.

MUNIN III 100W PA, CTRL board, LPF/HPF boards, swr/power board, antenna rx/tx ...etc boards are finished and all is working fine.
I had some  problems with Hermes board also- I replaced NF audio amplifier IC...due crackling noise from audio and power problems with board.

CTRL board...nothing special...

HPF :) many coils and np0 smd capacitors...LNA for 6m band.

All filters are measured with my homebrew VNA ...measuring is essential for proper band coverage!

Toughbook is display for VNA ..via old LPT interface

I bought nice and cheap enclosure from Willhaben :) 

LPF filter and problematic to find and expensive  HI voltage smd capacitors

Two internal Visaton speakers

I/O board and ANT board

Down is Hermes board and CTRL/HPF board and on upper side is PA/LPF /SWR boards

Another LPF board is for my beloved  HiQSDR

MUNIN III pa and cheap (and good!) RD100HHF transistors from Aliexpress

Heatsink for PA 

Experimenting with feedback toroids 

Fine little amplifier...great design!

Idq...2x1 Amp

Another PA/LPF pair for HiQSDR

...and this is my first SDR never ending  HiQSDR project

I have made  EU1KY analyzer also...GREAT TOOL!!! Highly PORTABLE!

First contest CQ WPX RTTY ...and first problem with audio IC 

HiQSDR ia Finished also...hurray! and first contest -SPDX RTTY projects...JUMA 100w PA for my  Yaesu FT817...

This is nice and modern 5W PA with over 20-23dB gain 1-50MHz by DL2EWN

Nice experimenters  amp...and fine exciter amp for Hermes/Angelia and other SDRs