Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Denna L600 test

 Okay...some test pictures :)

 I mounted charging station and perimeter wire as per manual...cca 100m wire used for first attempt.

 Mower in action...

 First problem...and solution for problem :)...worst part of denna mower is bumper, in middle,
where are the charging contacts, bumper sensitivity is small-or useless, so when mower hit the tree direct in the middle of bumper there is no action at all...resulting an error message... and then you must manual restart the  mower.

I had just few days for test...tracking the  perimeter wire is perfect...charging...return to base station is perfect...but that bumper :(
So...I need some better solution for front bumper, Ardumower bumper is the solution....

Soon some more time...

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